Book Review (Sidney Sheldon-Morning,Noon and Night)

Hello everyone!

I’ve been off for a while, again, but i’m back and hopefully I’ll stay back. I found this incredible book in a trunk at home and was drawn to it because it was written by one of my favourite authors, Sidney Sheldon <3. He didn’t disappoint me. I enjoyed reading every bit of it. It’s really old and there’s even a movie based on the novel so it’s likely you already know what it’s about.

I’m just going to list two things that define the book Morning,Noon and Night for me

1. The suspense

suspense Continue reading



This is for you Bunny!

This is a book I REALLY love. I’m not going to do a real review. I’m just going to talk about how much I love this book and why you should read it. 🙂

The book is about the journey of two wonderful people who go on their own amazing journey of love. Travis is the main character and he falls in love with Abbie whom he refers to as pigeon. I’m not going to tell you why he calls her that. ( The reason is just too cute 🙂 ) Continue reading


Did I ever mention that I love to read? Wait! let me  put this well. I love to run away from my rather ordinary reality and lose myself in the surreal and sometimes overly dramatic world of fiction. Yeah, I think that explains it better. I like to be so engrossed in a book that I forget that the electricity company in my country has taken back it’s power or that my president is going around making promises about better days he knows will never come under his time of office or that there are actually people who have very little love for my country so they aim at robbing her till she has nothing to lose. Oh no! Did I bring in politics again? Let me move on to the point which is that I LOVE BOOKS! I remember reading the last page of DIVERGENT and thinking HOW CAN ANYONE BE THIS CREATIVE? Continue reading